I hope everybody had a very, very, very, Happy New Year!  I did too!  It always feels refreshing to start a new cycle in our lives; to look forward to all the things God has planned for us: the good ones and the bad ones.  Both make us stronger.


Keep posted because next time I’m going to tell you guys about my future projects.  I’m very excited about it and I know you will be too.


I just wanted to wish you a very special 2008!!!


Los quiero,




Happy New Year to you as well, Silvana! :)

January 3, 2008 at 5:43 PM  

Happy New Year Silvana! May 2008 bring you happiness, good health and good fortune.

Just one question though: I noticed that you have several pictures with Heidi on your MySpace and on this blog. So you guys are friends? Did you party with her on New Year's Eve? That is really cool. I am happy to see that you guys are friends in the real world, being that you both are the best girls on Passions. I know you're not on the show anymore, but still, you are amazing and should be proud of what you brought to the character of Paloma.

All the best and stay well.

- Kyle

January 3, 2008 at 9:44 PM  

Happy belated New Years Silvana hopeful 2008 is a good year for you. I want to know besides Heidi is there more of your passions costars your still friends with.

January 10, 2008 at 8:33 AM  

hola silvana, no conocia de ti hasta el video donde saliste en you tube en un programa donde bailaste salsa con un productor.yo soy oscar del peru, de lima tambien. estudie y termine comunicaciones y de alli vine ausa y estudie television, de alli un poco me olvide .pero al ver tu ejemplo y belleza creo volvere a retomar la carrera. eres muy linda no se si eres soltera o casada, pero si tienes un chance enviame un mail al oscarjr77@hotmail.com, gracias

April 18, 2008 at 9:14 PM  

Silvana Arias is the best actress on Passions she makes me laugh and really cracks me up I really love her accent. Happy new year to you and Heidi I wish I can have an other bestfriend like you to Heidi & Silvana on Passions that will be cool on Heidi's blog and Silvana's blog I like to say too Silvana and Heidi. I have an question for both of you Heidi and Silvana what would you do if a guy never a guy calls you and waiting for him to call and its been an while now waiting for him to call do I phone him or I just wait or gave him Attuidue for that...

Sincerely: HeartBreaker

July 13, 2008 at 2:29 PM  

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